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The Department of Neurology at Acıbadem University was established in 2007. The academic teaching staff members are all specialists in their fields which include headaches, epilepsy, movement disorders, strokes and cerebrovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, neuro-oncology, multiple sclerosis, demyelination diseases, clinical neurophysiology, neuromuscular diseases, peripheral nerve, sleep, and emergency neurological diseases.

The department is an internationally recognized point of reference. The undergraduate medical curriculum of the Department of Neurology includes theoretical and applied clinical neurology lessons aimed at 3rd and 5th term student interns. Post-graduate education is planned to European Union and national education standards. Students who wish to specialize are trained to be neurologists of the future are monitored by consultant academics. The education programs make full use of the most advanced technology and methodology providing students with the opportunity to learn all types of neurological diagnosis and treatment methods in a practical setting.