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Dear Candidates,

Science of anatomy forms one of the fundamental parts in health sciences collaborating with both basic and clinical medical sciences. It forms the foundation for all areas of basic sciences beginning with cellular level and extending to systemic level and provides essential data for clinical sciences as well. This brings a large variety of professional career possibilities to a scientist with a background in anatomy. Our graduates may join anatomy educational teams in medical or dentistry schools. Another option is joining teams conducting medical research. They also have the possibility to continue their education to finish a PhD program. In such a case, they may join the faculty as a professor in various programs of health sciences.

Department of Anatomy in Acıbadem University has state-of-the-art technological facilities for research and education. In the Anatomy Dissection Laboratory, research can be conducted on fresh and fixed cadavers under surgical microscope, measurements can be performed on radiological images of cases in Sectra, a virtual dissection tool. Faculty members, two medical doctors and a biologist, will help the students to acquire scientific knowledge and skills in both research and education areas which in turn provide them various career opportunities.

Prof. Mustafa Aktekin
